
Aluminum Businesses of USA

$95.00 $40.00
(You save $55.00 )
(4 reviews)
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The List of Aluminum Businesses of USA in USA is a database of 6622 Aluminum Businesses of USA contact details from all of the States across the United States of America.

We supply the most comprehensive list of Aluminium in United States. Effortlessly gain new contacts, which in turn will provide new business opportunities with our Aluminium Businesses List. We have a database of 6622 Aluminium Businesses in our database and include all states and territories.

It contains the most updated information as of July 2021. We bring together our information from public sources, such as business directories that are in both print and online. Depending on these sources make our list as reliable as those sources.

The table below gives a full breakdown of businesses for Aluminum Businesses in each State and Zipcode.

Categories Categories Count State State Count
Alloys 95 Blank 0
Aluminum 4165 AK 1
Aluminum Products 925 AL 90
Aluminum-Wholesale & Manufacturers 1293 AR 10
Castings-Non-Ferrous Metals 144 AZ 115
    CA 705
Emails Count 4327 CO 118
Emails Missing 2295 CT 49
Phone Count 6619 DC 2
Geo_coordinates Count 3491 DE 1
Website Count 4790 FL 1651
Address Count 6318 GA 116
Years_in_business Count 6622 HI 5
    IA 44
    ID 13
    IL 325
    IN 188
    KS 37
    KY 69
    LA 74
    MA 67
    MD 78
    ME 5
    MI 179
    MN 69
    MO 77
    MS 10
    MT 5
    NC 117
    ND 3
    NE 12
    NH 25
    NJ 234
    NM 24
    NV 17
    NY 219
    OH 315
    OK 24
    OR 88
    PA 308
    RI 19
    SC 31
    SD 2
    TN 74
    TX 475
    UT 80
    VA 73
    VT 1
    WA 124
    WI 81
    WV 2
    WY 14


The Columns of data included are as follows.

Business name
Additional phones
Additional sites
Zip code
Geo coordinates
Years in business
Areas Serviced
BBB rating

Now updated! Get the latest List of Aluminum Businesses of USA now. Salespeople looking for new clients, business owners hoping to network, marketing managers, mailing centers, government agencies and more will find our database very helpful in promoting their business and making connections. 

The latest listing of the Aluminum Businesses of the USA will be an invaluable asset to any of the above individuals. Add it to your database of contacts and watch your network grow. The List of Aluminum Businesses of USA is a database that contains information on 6622 aluminum businesses all across the United States. All 50 states are represented in this list.

What would you do with a list like this? Office equipment suppliers or supply companies could send out promotional offers. Job recruitment agencies could develop relationships with local businesses. Advertising providers could offer their services in promoting area companies. The applications for this resource are literally endless.

All of these and more would benefit from having access to this database. You can get your hands on this information instantly! Once you purchase the List of Aluminum Businesses of USA, there is no waiting for us to ship it to you. It will become available to you as a downloadable Microsoft Excel file.

The file is arranged in easy to read columns, with each business having a wealth of information under it. Categories include business name, business category, and street address, mailing address, phone number, fax number, email address and website, in addition to other useful data. We cannot guarantee that every business will have every category under it filled out.

This is our current Aluminum Business List as of July 2021. It is based on the accuracy of public records like phone and web directories, so if the source of the data is up to date, so is ours.

We will guarantee the accuracy of this information. We work very hard to keep up with public records in order to maintain up to date information in our database. Accuracy is subject to the accuracy of our sources. We are very careful in selecting the sources for our information, however, leaving us very confident that we are providing you with the most accurate data available.

We will not send you a physical copy of this product. Once you complete your purchase and we receive your payment, we will send you an email. This email will contain your invoice, as well as a link to download the Excel file. If you have made your payment and still haven't received an email from us, please check your Junk Folder before contacting us. We are more than happy to resend the email if for any reason it does not go through. Adding us to your contact list will help ensure that we are not deleted by your Spam filter.

Please do keep Anti-Spam Laws in mind when using this product. Sending bulk emails without the consent of business owners can result in you incurring fines. 


  • 4

    Posted by Raffy on 19th May 2022

    Good value for a good product. Thank you!

  • 5
    Love this database

    Posted by Shane J. on 11th Dec 2014

    The Aluminum business database is very useful to us especially that we want to directly contact them here in New York.Thanks a lot. I love the list,it lessens the workload. Thanks.

  • 5
    great list

    Posted by Joel O. on 14th Sep 2014

    We got the Aluminum Businesses list to build up our contact list around Kentucky. It worked very well for our business. Thanks.

  • 4

    Posted by unknown on 27th Jun 2014

    Bought this as a gift and my uncle loved it.