Any business that is looking to secure new contacts and clients within the plumbing department will find this incredibly useful. Designed to give you absolute autonomy moving forward in terms of being able to find plumbing businesses from Arizona to Wisconsin, we make sure that you are able to take in a huge amount of new business associates as soon as possible.
The plumbing industry can be massively effective to work in if you are able to get the right contacts, and we provide 397,961 Plumbers in the USA across each and every state. This lets you contact people from the East as well as the West, building up a massive portfolio of new business contacts from all across the United States.
This is our current Plumbers List as of July 2021 and it comes in a downloadable file that is delivered in a Microsoft excel Spreadsheet. Keeping a well-maintained list of regularly updated contacts is essential for making lasting business connections. The Plumbers Core List is a great tool for any business owner, and helps connect clients and companies all over the US.
The table below gives a full breakdown of businesses for Plumbers in each State and Zipcode.
Categories | Categories Count | State | State Count |
Drainage & Storm Water Engineers | 446 | Blank | 0 |
Drainage Contractors | 8838 | AK | 334 |
Drains & Sewer Consultants | 18957 | AL | 5660 |
Gas Equipment-Service & Repair | 2249 | AR | 3187 |
Gas Lines-Installation & Repairing | 6304 | AZ | 7362 |
Gas Measurement Service | 79 | CA | 54370 |
Pipe | 12286 | CO | 7770 |
Pipe Cleaning Equipment | 55 | CT | 5483 |
Pipe Cutting & Threading | 58 | DC | 388 |
Pipe Cutting & Threading Equipment | 33 | DE | 1720 |
Pipe Fittings | 11075 | FL | 21191 |
Pipe Hangers | 35 | GA | 11576 |
Pipe Inspection | 602 | HI | 852 |
Pipe Line Companies | 2917 | IA | 2625 |
Pipe Line Contractors | 2692 | ID | 1806 |
Pipe Line Equipment | 78 | IL | 20118 |
Pipe Lining & Coating | 222 | IN | 8381 |
Pipe Locating Equipment & Service | 142 | KS | 3569 |
Pipe Thawing | 2093 | KY | 4379 |
Pipe-Wholesale & Manufacturers | 1026 | LA | 4644 |
Piping Contractors | 2856 | MA | 9432 |
Plumbers | 113480 | MD | 7917 |
Plumbing | 18956 | ME | 1288 |
Plumbing Contractors-Commercial & Industrial | 26937 | MI | 11939 |
Plumbing Engineers | 17258 | MN | 6008 |
Plumbing Fixtures | 42474 | MO | 6883 |
Plumbing Fixtures Parts & Supplies-Wholesale & Manufacturers | 28297 | MS | 2435 |
Plumbing-Drain & Sewer Cleaning | 68898 | MT | 810 |
Propane & Natural Gas-Equipment & Supplies | 7719 | NC | 11213 |
Sewer Pipe | 899 | ND | 446 |
NE | 2161 | ||
Emails Count | 171816 | NH | 1329 |
Emails Missing | 226145 | NJ | 15656 |
Phone Count | 396479 | NM | 1801 |
Geo_coordinates Count | 215045 | NV | 2771 |
Website Count | 295908 | NY | 16148 |
Address Count | 356635 | OH | 13682 |
Years_in_business Count | 397961 | OK | 3928 |
OR | 5856 | ||
PA | 18176 | ||
RI | 1085 | ||
SC | 4961 | ||
SD | 469 | ||
TN | 6086 | ||
TX | 26693 | ||
UT | 4003 | ||
VA | 13191 | ||
VT | 375 | ||
WA | 11068 | ||
WI | 6222 | ||
WV | 696 | ||
WY | 335 |
The Columns of data included are as follows.
Business name |
Categories |
Phone |
Additional phones |
Emails |
Website |
Additional sites |
Address |
Suburb |
State |
Zip code |
Geo coordinates |
Years in business |
Areas Serviced |
BBB rating |
This is our current Plumbers List as of July 2021. It is based on the accuracy of public records like phone and web directories, so if the source of the data is up to date, so is ours.
We will guarantee the accuracy of this information. We work very hard to keep up with public records in order to maintain up to date information in our database. Accuracy is subject to the accuracy of our sources. We are very careful in selecting the sources for our information, however, leaving us very confident that we are providing you with the most accurate data available.
We will not send you a physical copy of this product. Once you complete your purchase and we receive your payment, we will send you an email. This email will contain your invoice, as well as a link to download the Excel file. If you have made your payment and still haven't received an email from us, please check your Junk Folder before contacting us. We are more than happy to resend the email if for any reason it does not go through. Adding us to your contact list will help ensure that we are not deleted by your Spam filter.
Please do keep Anti-Spam Laws in mind when using this product. Sending bulk emails without the consent of business owners can result in you incurring fines.
It answered to our needs for our business. Thanks.
excellent item
Well-thought idea!