3rd Jan 2014

Our Most Effective Sample Telemarketing Script

This is a sample script for telemarketing to gather busines email addresses and managers names. This is one of the best methods of direct marketing to other businesses we have found. This is aour most succesful script for you to use, just edit it to suit your business.

The key is to read exactly off the script, keep it short, DO NOT ask how they are going or how their day is. You must get to the point of the call in the very first sentence. Then say nothing at all and wait until they speak, not matter how long or uncomfortable that is. 

You should get through about 25 calls per hour posiibly even up to 30 calls. A good caller, calling the right market can get 100% success rate of getting the emails and managers names. You should then have a very good open rate of your first email too if you have been professional and easy to deal with.

Hi it’s (insert name here) from (business name), we provide direct contact lists for US businesses, would you mind if we email you some info on what we do.

(this first line MUST be said EXACTLY as it is written here and spoken in one sentence without pauses)


And what’s your email?(say only this and then say nothing and wait for them to spell email)


And who should I address it to?(say only this and then say nothing and wait for them to say managers name)


And how do I spell that?



if they ask what we do

We provide business mailing lists and direct marketing phone numbers for American Businesses.


If they ask - what are you sending’

We will send you an email with our details and services and you can contact us, if it suits you.


if they say they are not interested / already have an accountant

would it be ok if I just send through the info and if the need arises, you can contact us.


if they won’t give email, ask –

 and who usually handles the marketing there now, would they like  some info on what we do?


if they don’t have email –

we are only doing it by email, sorry. Do you have one available.


if they ask for more info –

We can email you some more information if you like?


If they ask where we are

We are based in (Your Town) but we have clients all over (the area you service).



Callers - Do everything you can to get the Managers name, it’s very important to personalise the marketing.

Record details in Excel and colour code accordingly.

Green – has approved sending an email and you have email address.

Red – Has received call but do not want email sent.

White – number is correct, but have not made contact

Grey – number is incorrect


If no Name is given, just leave that field blank, do not put anything in the name field unless it is the person to address it to.