There are an impressive 808,804 Builders in United States that are the key target audience for a wide range of entrepreneurial businesses.
Effortlessly gain new contacts, which in turn will provide new business opportunities with our Builders List.We supply the most comprehensive list of Builders in states of the U.S. We have a database of Builders in our database and include all states and territories.
It contains the most updated information as of July 2021. We bring together our information from public sources, such as business directories that are in both print and online. Depending on these sources make our list as reliable as those sources.
The table below gives a full breakdown of businesses for Builders in each State and Zipcode.
Categories | Categories Count | State | State Count |
Aircraft Rebuilding | 334 | Blank | 0 |
Architects & Builders Services | 13038 | AK | 2477 |
Auto Engine Rebuilding | 18456 | AL | 9927 |
Boat Builders | 1154 | AR | 4762 |
Bridge Builders | 123 | AZ | 12346 |
Building Construction Consultants | 79721 | CA | 92626 |
Building Contractors | 214483 | CO | 17936 |
Building Contractors-Commercial & Industrial | 98116 | CT | 13035 |
Building Designers | 2555 | DC | 1636 |
Building Maintenance | 15932 | DE | 2977 |
Building Materials | 49918 | FL | 55333 |
Building Materials-Wholesale & Manufacturers | 5621 | GA | 22001 |
Building Restoration & Preservation | 5747 | HI | 3374 |
Building Specialties | 55504 | IA | 6546 |
Buildings & Offices | 2699 | ID | 3901 |
Buildings-Concrete | 241 | IL | 34743 |
Buildings-Metal-Wholesale & Manufacturers | 156 | IN | 16437 |
Buildings-Pole & Post Frame | 1266 | KS | 6618 |
Buildings-Portable | 1852 | KY | 8141 |
Buildings-Pre-Cut | 1153 | LA | 11079 |
Construction & Building Equipment | 18010 | MA | 20978 |
Cornices-Building | 25 | MD | 15816 |
Deck Builders | 22996 | ME | 3338 |
Dock Builders | 1591 | MI | 25511 |
Engine Rebuilding & Exchange | 20405 | MN | 15952 |
Farm Buildings | 354 | MO | 14623 |
Furniture Designers & Custom Builders | 6642 | MS | 4294 |
Garages-Building & Repairing | 6117 | MT | 3301 |
Greenhouse Builders & Equipment | 2070 | NC | 26567 |
Home Builders | 107619 | ND | 2023 |
Homes & Buildings | 1600 | NE | 5975 |
House & Building Movers & Raising | 1914 | NH | 3838 |
Machinery-Rebuild & Repair | 6956 | NJ | 24269 |
Office Buildings & Parks | 10578 | NM | 4359 |
Patio Builders | 30303 | NV | 6120 |
Service Station Builders & Consultants | 45 | NY | 37032 |
Ship Builders & Repair | 333 | OH | 30245 |
Stair Builders | 3030 | OK | 7144 |
Used Building Materials | 147 | OR | 13102 |
PA | 37315 | ||
Emails Count | 392654 | RI | 2657 |
Emails Missing | 416150 | SC | 11569 |
Phone Count | 807729 | SD | 2138 |
Geo_coordinates Count | 433367 | TN | 14063 |
Website Count | 510343 | TX | 55391 |
Address Count | 752077 | UT | 6511 |
Years_in_business Count | 808804 | VA | 20876 |
VT | 1531 | ||
WA | 21238 | ||
WI | 16970 | ||
WV | 2033 | ||
WY | 970 |
The Columns of data included are as follows.
Business name |
Categories |
Phone |
Additional phones |
Emails |
Website |
Additional sites |
Address |
Suburb |
State |
Zip code |
Geo coordinates |
Years in business |
Areas Serviced |
BBB rating |
Once payment is received, our system will send you an email automatically which will be a Tax Invoice and will have a link to download the file. We do not send physical copies. Please check your Junk Folder after payment if you didn't receive the email.
This contact database of Builders in USA is available for instant download from this website. It is supplied as a Microsoft Excel file.
Please be aware of Anti-Spam Laws before using bulk email lists. Other providers selling bulk emails are usually not supposed to do so. Buying an email list off another provider can often leave you open to fines if you bulk email the contacts without consent off the email owner.
Thank you
Thanks! This was a great help
Great database!
I bought this Builders list 2 days ago to build my own contact list and find those well established builders here around Arizona. Worked for us. thanks!
highly recommend
Awesome compilation of leads.
I have learned about this product from a friend and it's nice to have.