The List of Boat & Marine Stores in USA is a database of 83,844 Boat & Marine Stores contact details from all of the States across the United States of America. The List of Boat & Marine Stores in USA is your ticket to reliable new contacts.
Our comprehensive lists are structured and organised. We save your business time and money on research and administration costs. Our cost effective lists cover every States of the United States and ensure that your business is well-connected.
Our lists are current as of July 2021 and the file is delivered in Microsoft Excel file format. The accuracy of the information corresponds with that of public records including phone and web directories.
The table below gives a full breakdown of businesses for Boat & Marine Stores in each State and Zipcode
Categories | Categories Count | State | State Count |
Boat & Marine Insurance | 23766 | Blank | 0 |
Boat Builders | 1154 | AK | 472 |
Boat Cleaning | 904 | AL | 1184 |
Boat Covers | 3241 | AR | 796 |
Boat Dealers | 6682 | AZ | 1445 |
Boat Distributors & Manufacturers | 574 | CA | 8193 |
Boat Equipment & Supplies | 6729 | CO | 1249 |
Boat Equipment & Supplies-Wholesale & Manufacturers | 72 | CT | 977 |
Boat Launching & Sites | 118 | DC | 25 |
Boat Lifts | 631 | DE | 231 |
Boat Maintenance & Repair | 8826 | FL | 11783 |
Boat Painting & Lettering | 238 | GA | 2016 |
Boat Rental & Charter | 4117 | HI | 355 |
Boat Storage | 13162 | IA | 620 |
Boat Tours | 1468 | ID | 495 |
Boat Trailers | 521 | IL | 2192 |
Boat Transporting | 623 | IN | 1352 |
Boat Yards | 1134 | KS | 671 |
Boating Instruction | 197 | KY | 815 |
Marine Contractors | 1157 | LA | 1869 |
Marine Electric Service | 309 | MA | 1837 |
Marine Electronics | 384 | MD | 1629 |
Marine Engineers | 234 | ME | 829 |
Marine Equipment & Supplies | 3705 | MI | 3397 |
Marine Equipment & Supplies-Wholesale Distributors | 575 | MN | 2205 |
Marine Hardware | 87 | MO | 1887 |
Marine Refrigeration & Air Conditioning | 98 | MS | 561 |
Marine Services | 1422 | MT | 187 |
Marine Surveyors | 1232 | NC | 2841 |
Marine Towing | 484 | ND | 87 |
NE | 310 | ||
Emails Count | 50943 | NH | 229 |
Emails Missing | 32901 | NJ | 1611 |
Phone Count | 83702 | NM | 161 |
Geo_coordinates Count | 42452 | NV | 573 |
Website Count | 62957 | NY | 3359 |
Address Count | 79078 | OH | 2552 |
Years_in_business Count | 83844 | OK | 976 |
OR | 1040 | ||
PA | 1911 | ||
RI | 466 | ||
SC | 1672 | ||
SD | 186 | ||
TN | 1421 | ||
TX | 5477 | ||
UT | 626 | ||
VA | 1528 | ||
VT | 66 | ||
WA | 2872 | ||
WI | 2108 | ||
WV | 175 | ||
WY | 42 |
The Columns of data included are as follows.
Business name |
Categories |
Phone |
Additional phones |
Emails |
Website |
Additional sites |
Address |
Suburb |
State |
Zip code |
Geo coordinates |
Years in business |
Areas Serviced |
BBB rating |
Once payment is received, our system will send you an email automatically which will be a Tax Invoice and will have a link to download the file. We do not send physical copies. Please check your Junk Folder after payment if you didn't receive the email.
We will guarantee the accuracy of this information. We work very hard to keep up with public records in order to maintain up to date information in our database. Accuracy is subject to the accuracy of our sources. We are very careful in selecting the sources for our information, however, leaving us very confident that we are providing you with the most accurate data available.
We will not send you a physical copy of this product. Once you complete your purchase and we receive your payment, we will send you an email. This email will contain your invoice, as well as a link to download the Excel file. If you have made your payment and still haven't received an email from us, please check your Junk Folder before contacting us. We are more than happy to resend the email if for any reason it does not go through. Adding us to your contact list will help ensure that we are not deleted by your Spam filter.
Please do keep Anti-Spam Laws in mind when using this product. Sending bulk emails without the consent of business owners can result in you incurring fines.
Great resource
Great resource for business owners who want to build up their contact database!
Must have
I purchased this yesterday as I am looking for reputable stores here in FL. And I found a lot, so this is well recommended. Two thumb up!
great resource
The Boat & Marine Stores database helped us in finding a great store in Georgia. Thanks a lot.
good book
excellent resource