The List of Architects in USA is a database of 134,742 Architects contact details from all of the States across the United States of America.It contains the most updated information as of July 2021 .Information is supplied as a Microsoft Excel file so it compatible with most business databases.This database reflects the most current Architects List .
The table below gives a full breakdown of businesses for Architects in each State and Zipcode.
Categories | Categories Count | State | State Count |
Architects | 21080 | Blank | 0 |
Architects & Builders Services | 13038 | AK | 247 |
Architectural & Construction Specifications | 1232 | AL | 1316 |
Architectural Designers | 1703 | AR | 609 |
Architectural Engineers | 7629 | AZ | 2673 |
Architectural Model Makers | 89 | CA | 18313 |
Architectural Salvage | 123 | CO | 3087 |
Architectural Supplies | 229 | CT | 2605 |
Architectural Support Services | 804 | DC | 356 |
Building Designers | 2555 | DE | 386 |
Designers-Industrial & Commercial | 5530 | FL | 9888 |
Designing Engineers | 601 | GA | 3584 |
Drafting Equipment & Supplies | 408 | HI | 683 |
Drafting Services | 2657 | IA | 595 |
Home Design & Planning | 11448 | ID | 582 |
Landscape Designers & Consultants | 56485 | IL | 5183 |
Naval Architects | 13 | IN | 1841 |
Product Design | 5253 | KS | 702 |
Residential Designers | 3596 | KY | 937 |
Restaurant Design & Planning | 269 | LA | 1467 |
MA | 4402 | ||
Emails Count | 63221 | MD | 2366 |
Emails Missing | 71521 | ME | 422 |
Phone Count | 134454 | MI | 4377 |
Geo_coordinates Count | 69624 | MN | 2257 |
Website Count | 82600 | MO | 1760 |
Address Count | 121567 | MS | 379 |
Years_in_business Count | 134742 | MT | 485 |
NC | 4219 | ||
ND | 143 | ||
NE | 683 | ||
NH | 588 | ||
NJ | 5516 | ||
NM | 658 | ||
NV | 1052 | ||
NY | 8851 | ||
OH | 4260 | ||
OK | 1017 | ||
OR | 2031 | ||
PA | 5648 | ||
RI | 480 | ||
SC | 1876 | ||
SD | 224 | ||
TN | 2026 | ||
TX | 8258 | ||
UT | 993 | ||
VA | 2926 | ||
VT | 144 | ||
WA | 3619 | ||
WI | 2251 | ||
WV | 133 | ||
WY | 63 |
The Columns of data included are as follows.
Business name |
Categories |
Phone |
Additional phones |
Emails |
Website |
Additional sites |
Address |
Suburb |
State |
Zip code |
Geo coordinates |
Years in business |
Areas Serviced |
BBB rating |
If you are involved in city planning, construction, production of building materials, or supply for architects do you think a bonafide contact list would grow your business? Do you think that having a certified list of active architects and architectural firms in the United States would be an opportunity to make more money? What if you could get a list of architectural firms that want you to contact them and want your products or services?
The List of Architects in the USA can do all this for you. Our list contains the names, addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, websites, city, state, and email of 134,742 architects and architectural firms in the United States that we guarantee are doing business with companies like yours. Each company has agreed to be placed on the list and is willing to be contacted by your company.
So what could you possibly do with a list like this? Does making more money appeal to you?
Every new company director, any company that provides supplies to architects, marketing managers, salespeople, local government agencies and managers, charities, and social organizations need new contacts to grow their business or advertise their products or services. The List of Architects in the USA is your ticket to reliable new contacts.
Computer program developers, drafting supply companies, office supply companies, recruiters, ad agencies, builders, contractors, banks, finance companies, and investment firms can use the List of Architects in the USA to sell more products and services to a ready made market. Government agencies that provide inspection and safety services can keep abreast of new companies that open in their region that may not yet be certified.
Our list is an Excel document that can be sorted by any of the criteria you select. The data is guaranteed to be 99 percent accurate on the day that you download the List of Architects in the USA.
Getting the List of Architects in the USA is simple. Fill out the pertinent details and payment method on one form. Download the list in less than a minute. You get the invoice and tax information by email immediately after you order. That means you start making more money with new clients today just by using the List of Architects in the USA.
This is our current Architects List as of July 2021. It is based on the accuracy of public records like phone and web directories, so if the source of the data is up to date, so is ours.
Please be aware of Anti-Spam Laws before using bulk email lists. Other providers selling bulk emails are usually not supposed to do so. Buying an email list off another provider can often leave you open to fines if you bulk email the contacts without consent off the email owner.
A great tool to boost a businessman's contact database
So useful
We got the Architect database to target possible clients around New York. Thank you.
great list
We got the Architects database to target the best contractors around Burbank, California. Thanks.